=========================================== Definitions - Create Renderers and Elements =========================================== This module contains helper for defining callables returning HTML elements structures or HTML raw strings directly. They are available in two forms: * Macros usable in Hy * Decorators usable in both Hy and Python Definitions Macros ================== Use :hy:macro:`defhtml ` for defining a callable which wraps its output to :hy:func:`html ` automatically: .. code-block:: clj ;; Use require to import macros (require hyccup.definition [defhtml]) (defhtml render-in-div [#* content] ["div" {"class" "container"} (iter content)]) (render-in-div ["ol" (gfor x (range 1 4) ["li" f"Item {x}"])]) ;; "
  1. Item 1
  2. ;;
  3. Item 2
  4. ;;
  5. Item 3
  6. ;;
" You can pass HTML options: .. code-block:: clj ;; XHTML mode (default) (defhtml {"mode" "xhtml"} render-in-div [#* content] ["div" {"class" "container"} (iter content)]) (render-in-div ["img" {"src" "https://foo.bar"}]) ;; "
" ;; HTML mode (defhtml {"mode" "html"} render-in-div [#* content] ["div" {"class" "container"} (iter content)]) (render-in-div ["img" {"src" "https://foo.bar"}]) ;; "
" Use :hy:macro:`defelem ` for defining elements. A first optional parameter is added for specifying attributes to merge with returned element's attributes: .. code-block:: clj (require [hyccup.definition [defelem]]) (defelem link-to [link content] ["a" {"href" link} content]) ;; Without attributes dict (link-to "https://foo.bar" "Awesome link") ;; ["a" {"href" "https://foo.bar"} "Awesome link"] ;; With attributes (link-to {"class" "some-class"} "https://foo.bar" "Awesome link") ;; ["a" {"href" "https://foo.bar" "class" "some-class"} "Awesome link"] Definitions Decorators ====================== Use :hy:func:`defhtml ` for defining a callable which wraps its output to :hy:func:`html ` automatically: .. code-block:: from hyccup.definition import defhtml @defhtml def render_in_div(*content): return ["div", {"class": "container"}, *content] render_in_div(["ol", (["li", (f"Item {x}" for x in range(1, 4))])]) # '
  1. Item 1
  2. #
  3. Item 2
  4. #
  5. Item 3
  6. #
' You can pass HTML options: .. code-block:: # XHTML mode (default) @defhtml(mode="xhtml") def render_in_div(*content): return ["div", {"class": "container"}, *content] render_in_div(['img', {'src': 'https://foo.bar'}]) # '
' # HTML mode @defhtml(mode="html") def render_in_div(*content): return ["div", {"class": "container"}, *content] render_in_div(['img', {'src': 'https://foo.bar'}]) # '
' Use :hy:func:`defelem ` for defining elements. A first optional parameter is added for specifying attributes to merge with returned element's attributes: .. code-block:: from hyccup.definition import defelem @defelem def link_to(link, content): return ['a', {'href': link}, content]) # Without attributes dict link_to('https://foo.bar', 'Awesome link') # ['a', {'href': 'https://foo.bar'}, 'Awesome link'] # With attributes link_to({'class': 'some-class'}, 'https://foo.bar', 'Awesome link') # ['a {'href': 'https://foo.bar', 'class': 'some-class'} "Awesome link"] API === **Source code:** `hyccup/definition.hy `_ .. hy:automodule:: hyccup.definition :members: defhtml, defelem :macros: defhtml, defelem :member-order: bysource